Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What are Acholi Beads?

What is an Acholi Bead?  They are paper beads made by the Acholi women. They are beautiful!  They are so colorful and bright. But more important, they are they way out of poverty for Acholi women.
Acholi women started making these paper beads made out of recycled posters, paper, and magazines as a way to support their family.  It took them away from the hard labor of quartz mines and other hard labor jobs and gave them a way to make a living where they could be at home and watch their children. 

I once found a strand of the long Acholi beads in Honolulu, Hawaii selling for up to $80!  These ladies hope to get $1 for their labor, and that $1 goes a very long way for their family in Uganda.  Many Charities buy these beads and sell them in the US (for much more than $1!) and they use the profits for school fees, new schools, etc. 

National Geographic is even buying the beads for their cruise ships.  In these pictures, I am helping Morgan buy beads for National Geographic and other NGOs.  On the computer, I keep track of the people she is buying from as she inspects their work.  I am also the photographer and video taper for her records.  I have enjoyed helping her, and have bought some beads for my own personal use and gifts from this great group of women.
These ladies are with Camboni Samaritans and they are making the beads.
If you ever see these Acholi Beads in a store, BUY them!  You will be supporting a good cause. And just a heads up everyone; its Acholi beads for Christmas again!

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