Tuesday, December 3, 2013


A lot has happened since I wrote about the Home of Hope bakery in July. The whole process has been difficult and full of challenges. I won't go into details, but I can definitely say that I have never worked so hard to make something so good happen. I had to fight for the bakery's survival. I never gave up. I never quit.
The Rotary Clubs of Elbasan (Albania) & Tower of Hamlets (UK) proudly support Home of Hope

"Be A Smile" women from Holland and I

With God's help, the Board and Staff of Home of Hope, Tower of Hamlets London Rotary Club, and Be A Smile Foundation in Holland, we did it. I mention God first because there is no doubt in my mind that without His help and guidance, it would not, could not, have been completed. When I was pressured to quit, when I was frustrated and confused, He answered my prayers.

This is the pizza oven. It was 1,000 Euros
So here is the good news. The oven has been bought! Yeah! It was 9,000 Euros ($12,000). The oven was bought in Elbasan, so all the money stayed local. Another 3,000 Euros  ($4,000) was used to connect electricity, buy a pizza oven, and other necessary things. Now we are getting the business license. We also need a little money for the initial start up costs. Avash avash.(Slowly, slowly).

The delivery of the oven

Bringing the oven through the door!
The Home of Hope bakery is sustainable and capacity building. It will help support the Home of Hope Orphanage and it will provide business training skills and jobs for the older kids. I can hardly wait to post pictures of the first loaves of bread. Stay tuned for more....
 And here it is: THE NEW OVEN FOR HOME OF HOPE!!

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